About Us

The Owner

Jesse Azam,  the founder and owner of S&S Apiaries, spent five years beekeeping in his native Israel in the Golan Heights and Galilee region for a large commercial apiary focused on crop pollination and honey production.
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He worked for a couple of years at U.S. apiaries before establishing S&S Apiaries in 2009 with 50 hives. S&S Apiaries has grown to more than 2,500 hives in 2017 and over 6,000 in 2024, plus it produces and sells about half of those hives a year to other beekeepers.

Our Vision

The goal of S&S Apiaries is to supply the purest, most flavorful local honey and the best bred, gentle bees for maximum honey production and varroa mite resistance. The focus is on personal relationships with customers, hands-on experience for beginners to start the right way in beekeeping and connect them with the right resources.